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Thank you, Laura and Nathaniel, for the fine transfer of my Uncle Marsh’s home movies to modern media. My mother passed away early in life and there are no words to describe the wonder of seeing her smile once again; or, the joy of witnessing my great grandparents’ golden wedding anniversary celebration before I was born. When a close family member was diagnosed with cancer, I wanted to do something to cheer him. We admired my uncle standing tall in his blue sailor suit (from the Vietnam era) and were fascinated with my aunt’s bouffant 60’s hairdo. It was so much fun and for a short while, we were distracted from the tough road ahead. While I originally thought the film transfer would make a good Christmas gift for those family members who have everything, it is has become far more than that. I am eternally grateful to have the family film so lovingly and expertly archived. You made the process easy from beginning to end, treating my film as if it were your own. FilmFix, you rock! You have my highest respect and recommendation.

Chari McHale

Chicago, IL

quality of transfer
Star rating system - 1Star rating system - 2Star rating system - 3Star rating system - 4Star rating system - 5
customer service
Star rating system - 1Star rating system - 2Star rating system - 3Star rating system - 4Star rating system - 5
order turnaround time
Star rating system - 1Star rating system - 2Star rating system - 3Star rating system - 4Star rating system - 5
overall satisfaction
Star rating system - 1Star rating system - 2Star rating system - 3Star rating system - 4Star rating system - 5

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